NEOConnect devient DiscoverCoin

NEOConnect devient DiscoverCoin


L’annonce a été faite ce matin, NEOConnect devient DiscoverCoin.

Le nouveau site internet, qui ne semble pas fonctionner pour le moment:

Nouveau Logo:


Nouveau twitter:

Nouveau telegram:

Nouveau facebook:


Avec la chasse aux programmes de Lending qui a commencé, ils ont décidés de changer d’orientation. Leur but est maintenant de repérer les prochaines monnaies et ICO intéressantes, prédire leurs évolutions et y investir.

Ils demandent aux participants de l’ICO NEOCOnnect de remplir un formulaire(avec mail, pseudo, et une adresse acceptant les tokens ERC20) afin d’envoyer les tokens.

Leur formulaire:

Message officiel:

Finally, we are in the final stages of the new platform launch and rebranding. The name of the new brand will be  » DISCOVERCOIN  » and we will be marketing it using our new brand before the new launch.

We will not be doing Lending/Internal Exchange/Staking due to the previously discussed regulation issues which we faced.

* Hereafter, our new platform DiscoverCoin will be *

1. DISCOVER SIGNALS ( Trade Signals & Reports from Reputed Experts on the next big Coins.)
2. DISCOVER BETTING ( Betting on Crypto Signals, ICO Predictions, Crypto Prices and Crypto Forecastings.)
3. DISCOVER MYSTERY BOX ( » Mystery Box  » which will have bucket bounties.)
4. We will be BURNING tokens worth 10% of our revenue every quarter.
5. And many more exciting stuffs on our RoadMap.
Since we are moving into another platform, we request our Community Members to have patience for our Platform Launch. We will make sure our community will be happy in coming days.
All the ICO participants will be getting Discovercoin as ERC20 token on their respective Ethereum Addresses.
We had a total of 5035 participants in our ICO, which we filtered apart from all the fake entries which were created for the Registration Bonus Free Coins.
We request all those 5035 ICO participants to provide the following details using our Google Doc Form.

1. Email ID  ( as registered on Neoconnect )
2. Username ( as registered on Neoconnect )
3. Ethereum Wallet Address ( Please DO NOT provide Ethereum Address from Exchanges)
NOTE : All the ERC20 Tokens with the name Neoconnect and related giving fake airdrops are no way associated with us. Be careful and follow only the official social channels.
Please join the Our NEW OFFICIAL SOCIAL MEIDA groups:
Telegram –
Twitter –
Facebook –


En ce qui me concerne je ne crois pas trop que cela débouchera sur quelque chose d’intéressant. Mais pour ceux qui ont investis dans l’ICO c’est toujours mieux que rien.


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